In The Buzz

Where Hip Comes to Die

Friday, June 23, 2006

10 Years of digital pet madness

Yes its true they haven't been popular here for a very long time, but they're still going strong in Japan.
Bandai is selling 3000 limited edition Tamagotchis (1,000 of 3 different colors) to celebrate its 10th aniversary...

Its hard to believe its been only 10 years since digital pets started makeing children throw tempertantrums in your local Toys'R'Us

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1 comment(s):

i told you them shits was number one!
well... at least they were number one on so odd. i always hated those things, never wanted one. Steph had like 3 and Gloria had one that would beep at 6am all the time and she never heard it going crazy and i'd have to take care of it so it would let me sleep. i wanted to throw it out the window. it eventually ate its own poop, got sick and died... but she started it's life cycle again... damn.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:25 AM  

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