Pitchfork Update
Pitchfork Media unveiled a mild face lift to the site and added an RSS feed.
I've been waiting for Pitchfork to add RSS feeds... plural...
dumping everything, Reviews, News, Features, Track Reviews all into one RSS feed is confusing and messy...
They also compacted everything on the site so that you no longer have to scroll down to see the Track Reviews...
Unfortuneatly it doesn't seem like they actually removed any content from the front page... They actually added a cover photo for the 2nd Record Review as well... and it might just be my perception but there seem to be more annoying Ads!
The whole thing just became even more cluttered than it allready was...
Who ever is doing the web design and whoever was incharge of the RSS project should be fired.
Pitchfork removed the album art for the Villalobos Review...
Unfortuneately the 6 flash banner ads remain
RSS is gone... will it return with a better implimentation?
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